2014年7月16日 星期三

TOEIC Memorandum Part5/6

Part 5~6 (需在15~20分鐘內完成答題)
以答案選項判別題型: "單字題"或"文法題",每題30秒內答完,超過者,不要掙扎了,猜題!
單字題: 需整句讀完,以前後文意判辨答案.
文法題: 從空格前後單字判辨,無法判別時,再前後延伸或整句讀完.
Part 5可採用兩次答題法,每題停留10秒,快速作答一遍,將簡單的題目先答完.難的題目先跳過,回頭再答,此時每題應在20秒內作答,大原則平均每題花費時間不應超過30秒.
Part 6不需要全部讀完,視做Part 5解題方式,只需瀏覽空格所在句子,若無法判別時,再前後延伸.

必要之詞性: 名詞N及動詞V (N,V); 主詞S及受詞O,均可視為名詞N(N=>S,O)

非必要之詞性: 形容詞adj及副詞adv; 形容詞修飾名詞(adj->N), 副詞可修飾動詞,形容詞及副詞本身(adv->V,adj,adv)

連接詞: 對等之概念(平衡觀念),字<>字/片語<>片語/句子<>句子

Test tip
First decide what part of speech is needed.
Recognizing the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) that is needed to fill the blank can help you to choose the correct answer.

Test tip
Find the answer choices of the correct type.
Once you know what you are looking for, skim the answer choices to find it.
This can help you to eliminate wrong answers.

Grammar note
Use suffixes (word endings) to help identify the part of speech, e.g. -ed/ -ing/ -ful/ -le (adjective) ; -ly (adverb) ; -ment (noun).

The guests were amazed by the ----(colorful,adj) statues in the garden. (color/colorful/colors/colorfully)
The rise in steel prices has resulted in a ----(considerable,adj) increase in our production costs. (considerably/consideration/considerable/considers)
While Jane was at collage, she ----(wrote,V) to her sister every week. (writing/written/write/wrote)
The project team found it very difficult to hide their ----(disappointment,N) over the rejection.(disappoint/disappointing/disappointedly/disappointment)
The board gave our project proposal a very ----(favorable,adj) review. (favor/favorable/favoring/favorably)
The delegates seemed to find the presentation very ----(interesting,adj). (interests/interest/interesting/interestingly)

statues 雕像
result in 導致
considerable 相當大;很明顯的 (=substantial, =significant)
find 發覺,覺得
favorable 好評

Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang

