2011年9月26日 星期一


Hi! my name is Ula Liao. I'm from Taichung, Taiwan, and I'm eleven years old.
I'm a Scorpio, so I'm full of contradictions. My hobbies are windsurfing, rollerblading and blogging about fashion.
I'm hoping to go to Taiwan University and plan on majoring in industrial designing.
My favorite singer is Lady Gaga. I'm glad to meet you all!

Aries, very independent 牡羊座, 很獨立
Taurus, a loyal friend 金牛座, 對朋友很忠實
Gemini, like learning new things 雙子座, 喜歡學習新事物
Cancer, pretty emotional 巨蟹座, 多愁善感
Virgo, kind of a perfectionist 處女座, 完美主義者
Leo, need lots of attention 獅子座, 需要別人的注意
Libra, easy to get along with 天秤座, 很好想處
Scorpio, full of contradictions 天蠍座, 充滿矛盾
Sagittarius, have a good sense of humor 射手座, 很有幽默感
Capricorn, very reliable 摩羯座, 很可靠
Aquarius, idealistic 水瓶座, 理想主義者
Pisces, very romantic 雙魚座, 很浪漫
(Apple pie everyday english,EZTALK)

