2014年7月17日 星期四


1.關係子句 (關代為主格) : Once there lived a man who was named Jack. = Once there lived a man named Jack.
2.從屬子句 (與"時間","原因"有關的連接詞): When you finished eating, you found you didn't bring any cash. = When finishing eating you found you didn't bring any cash.
3.對等連接詞 and  (用於兩個連續動作,或是第二動作為第一動作的結果): She unpinned her hair back, and rushed out of the door. = She unpinned her hair back, rushing out of  the door.

1.關係子句: (1)刪去關係代名詞 (2)動詞改Ving或p.p.(完成式一律用Having p.p.)
2.從屬子句: (1)連接詞視情況保留(不可省略者如unless(除非), once(一旦), as(如同), even if/though(即使), as if(彷彿/好像), until(直到) (2)主詞若為同一人,則刪去 (3)動詞改Ving或p.p.(完成式一律用Having p.p.)
3.對等連接詞and: (1)and 省略 (2)動詞改Ving或p.p.

主動 Ving, S+V.
Seeing the policeman, he ran away.
= When he saw the policeman, he ran away.

被動 (Being) + p.p., S+V. (Being主動省略)
Located in Chiayi City, National Chiayi University is easy to reach.
= Because National Chiayi University is located in Chiayi City, National Chiayi University is easy to reach.

表時間 when, while, before, after, as soon as...
[例] After attracted by Helen's smile, John talked to her. (after亦可省略)
=After John was attracted by Helen's smile, John talked to her.

表原因as, because...
[例] Written in simple English, the book is suitable for beginners.
= Because the book is written in simple English, the book is suitable for beginners.

表條件if, unless....
[例] Turning to the left, you will find the school.  (主動)
= If you turn to the left, you will find the school.

表讓步though, although...
[例] Known where I live, he never comes to see me.
= Though he knows where I live, he never comes to see me.

表連續或附帶狀況and, but...
[例] I stood there, waiting for her. (主動)
= I stood there, and waited for her.

Carrying our shose in our hands, we passed the stream. (主動)
Driven by hungry, he stole a  cake. (被動)

Not + 分詞, S+V
[例] Not knowing what to do, she began to cry.
=As she did not know what to do, she began to cry.
[例] Not (being) invited, he feels isolated.
= As he is not invited, he feels isolated.

主動 Having + p.p., S+V.
Having finished my assignment, I went home.
= After I had finished my assignment, I went home.

被動 (Having been) + p.p., S+V
(Having been) written in haste, the book has some faults.

Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang


現在分詞與過去分詞 >> 當"形容詞"用
Ving >> "主動"/"進行"意思
PP >> "被動"/"完成"的意思

[例] 現在分詞
(1) A barking dog doesn't bite.
(2) Who is the girl painting a picture over there?
(1) The police found the stolen money in the car.
(2)The picture painted by a little girl won the contest.

[例] The dog is barking
      The door was closed.

[例] Keep children away from the boiling water.  (正在沸騰中)
      Boiled water is safe to drink. (被煮和已煮沸)

現在分詞 (S=物)   : 令人.....的
interesting, fascinating, exciting, satisfying, amazing, surprising, disappointing, confusing, worrying, boring, tiring, annoying, frightening, scary
過去分詞 (S=人)   : 感到.....的
interested (in), fascinated (with), excited (about/at), satisfied (with), amazed (at), surprised (at), disappointed (at/with), confused, worried (about), bored, tired (of), annoyed (with), frightened, scared (of)

1. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滾石不生苔
2. He sat reading a book. 他坐在那兒看書
3. I was surprised at the news. 對於這個消息我感到非常驚呀 (情緒 -> 人 >> p.p.)
4. I had my car washed. 我叫人洗我的車
5. I found him standing at the door.
6. I found the book stolen. 我發現這本書被偷了
7. A lost opportunity never returns. 錯過的機會永不再來
8. The language spoken in the United States in English. 在美國說的語言是英語 (語言是被人說的)
9. I heard her singing a song. 我聽到她在唱歌
10. I heard my name called. 我聽見有人在叫我的名字 (名子是被人叫)

Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang


Ving 動名詞有時帶有”持續”或”經驗”的意思.  to V 不定詞有時帶有"目的"或"不確定"的意思.
(八成以上接不定詞; 一般動詞+ to V ; 特定動詞 + Ving )

1.動名詞作主詞(視為單數): 視為一件事+V單數 [例] Studying English is fun.
2.不定詞作主詞: 放在句首,視為一件事+V單數 [例] To be on time is important.
*不定詞作主詞時可用假主詞: It is adj. (for 人) to + V.= V. is adj = Ving is adj.
[例] It is difficult to learn a second language. = To learn / Learning a second language is difficult.

1.一般動詞 + Ving [例] They enjoy watching TV.
2.介系詞 + Ving [例] He is interested in learning English.

avoid(避免), advise/suggest/recommend(建議),*like/love/enjoy(喜歡) (like/love不會考,都可以接), dislike/hate/resent(討厭),*bear/stand/tolerate(忍受), admit(承認), appreciate(感謝), consider/contemplate(考慮), regret(後悔), deny(否認), escape(逃過), finish/complete(結束/完成), keep(繼續), quit(戒除), mind(介意), discuss(討論), practice(練習), resist(抵抗), risk(冒~的危險), recall/recollect/recur(回想), spend(花時間), postpone(延期), can't help(忍不住), give up(放棄), feel like(想要), look forward to(期待),...等等

*只能接to V的動詞
ask(要求), want(想要), intend(打算), hope(希望), expect(期待), promise(承諾), pretend(假裝), deserve(應得), refuse(拒絕), manage(設法做到), mean(打算),...等等

*特殊動詞  接動名詞與不定詞之意思不同 remember, forget, regret, stop, try, prefer...等等
(1)remember; forget - to V (未做) ; Ving (已做)
(2)regret - to V 遺撼(未做) ; Ving 後悔(已做)
(3)try - to V 試圖 ; Ving 試看看(已在嘗試)
(4)stop - to V 開始 ; Ving 停止
[例] I forgot to put the food in the refrigerator; now it's all spoiled. >>忘了去做(未做)
      I forgot putting the food in the refrigerator, so I couldn't find it anywhere. >>忘了做過(已做)
[例]prefer A to B (A/B為Ving) 偏好A不要B
      prefer A (rather) than B (A/B為to V)  I prefer to read than (to) see a movie.

介系詞+ not + Ving [例] They talked about not going to the party.
not/never + to V  [例] He promised me not/never to do such a thing again.

主詞 1.感官動詞  + 受詞 (to 省略) + 原形動詞
       3.一般動詞 help

特殊動詞/ 感官動詞(see, watch, look at, notice, observe, find, hear, fell, smell, listen to...)
+V原 >> 主動,強調事實
+Ving >> 主動,強調進行中
[例] I saw the man kill my dog. 我有看到那個人殺了我的狗 (+V原: 主動,強調事實)
     I saw the man killing my dog. 我看著那個人殺著我的狗 (+Ving: 主動,強調進行)
     I heard my do killed. 我聽說我的狗被殺了 ( + p.p.: 被動

連綴動詞(look, sound, taste, smell, fell (.....起來)
+ like + 名詞

使役動詞(let, make(強迫), have(要求)...)
+V原 >> 主動
+N    >> 主動
+adj. >> 被動
+ p.p. >> 被動
[例] I make my brother do everything for me. (+V原: 主動)
      I make my brother a useful man. (+N.: 主動)
      I make my brother happy. (+adj.: 被動)
      I make my brother scolded by my parents. (+p.p. 被動)

Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang

2014年7月16日 星期三

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-6 Double passages

6. Double passages
Focus: Learning how to answer questions dealing with charts, tables, forms and double passages

(1)Dealing with charts, tables and forms (90%)
(2)Locate information in double text questions (10%)

tip1.Understand parts of charts, tables and forms
This will help you quickly identify the parts of the passage/chart/table where the information you need can be found.
tip2.Skim the questions and passage to find information quickly
This will help you identify which part of the text is referred to. Then compare the answer choices to that part of the chart, table or form.
tip3.Be careful of the "small print"
charts, tables and forms may include notes or extra information at the bottom. Check this before choosing an answer to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
tip4.Watch for connected information between texts
In each double passage there will be at least one question that will require you to look at both texts and connect the information.
tip5.Double passage questions
For questions on double passages, it is important to read both passages before you answer.

六.雙篇題  (圖表+文字 / 文字+文字)

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-5 Specific information (negative)

5.Specific information (negative)
Focus: Learning how to answer "NOT" questions, and questions with names, numbers, dates or times.

These can be the most time-consuming.
Leave them till last, when you may have already got information to help you with the answers.
(1)Which of the following is NOT true?
(2)Which of the following positions is NOT available?

tip1.Leave "NOT" questions to last
Answering the other questions may help you to answer "NOT: questions or to know where in the passage to find the answer.
tip2.For "NOT" questions,use what you've learnt doing the easier questions.
Doing the other questions should hlep you to answer these questions. If not, skim the passage to confirm the most likely answer choice. To simulate this, task C uses a text that was also used in 1~4 item.
tip3.Eliminate incorrect answer choices and choose what's left.
Ignore options with similar meanings in the passage (you need to find the one that is NOT true).
The option you can't find is the correct answer.

(1) Not true 錯的敘述
(2) Not mention 沒有提到的

2.剩下的選項中挑選"關鍵字"(KEY WORDS)(名詞/動詞/形容詞/副詞)

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-4 Inference questions

4.Inference questions
Doing the previous question types first will help prepare you for  thest.
(1)What can be said/inferred about....?
(2)Who might read this advertisement?

tip1.In inference questions the answers will not be stated directly in the passage.
The correct option will relate to or paraphrase ideas from the text. Look for words or ideas in the passage relatedd to the things noted in each answer choice.

被動或不確定之字眼 said/inferred/might.....

1.從問題選項挑選"關鍵字"(KEY WORDS)(名詞/動詞/形容詞/副詞)
2. 逐一回文章搜尋相關的單字或概念

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-3 Main idea

3. Main idea
Doing the previous question types first will help prepare you for thest.
(1)What is the purpose of this memo? (purpose; mainly,...)
(2)Why is Mr. Jones writing this letter? (why ... writing ...)

tip1.Answering the easier questions first gives you information.
Answering the specific information and vocabulary questions first shoud help you to answer the main idea or inference questions. If not, skim the passage to confirm the most likely answer choice.

策略: 略讀法skimming

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-2 Vocabulary questions

2.Vocabulary questions
Focus: Using context to answer vocabulary questions. Using what you have learn to help infer meaning.

These should be answered quickly. If you don't know the word or words, guess and move on.
(1)The word "X" in paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning to ....

tip1.The context of the passage can give clues to vocabulary meaning.
Read the sentences aroud the target word to try to guess the meaning.
tip2.These questions sometimes use challenging vocabulary.
If you don't know all of the words, ignore the ones you do know that don't answer the question. This will increase your chances of a successful guess.

策略: 上下文線索 (context, clues)

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-1 Specific information questions

1.Specific information questions (positive)    5W1H(6W1H)
Focus: Scanning the questions to decide which ones to answer first.

These are the easiest and quickest to find the answer for.
Do these first.
(1)According to the author, who will use X?
(2)Where did x come from?
(3)Who will benefit from this change?

tip1. Look at the questions first:
To save time, do not start reading the passage until you know exactly what you need to find.
tip2. Answer questions in the most efficient order:
Some question types are easier to answer than others. Answering the easiest questions first will give you information that will help you answer the difficult ones more quickly.
tip3. Pick out 'key words' (nouns and verbs) in the question:
This will help you to quickly understand what you need to look for in the passage.

策略: 掃描法Scanning
1.從題目挑選"關鍵字"(KEY WORDS)(名詞/動詞/形容詞/副詞)


TOEIC Memorandum Part7

Reading Test Part 7
It is essential to make the best use of your time in Part7.
Looking at the questions before you read will help you to find exactly what information you need.
This will also help you to decide which questions to answer first.

step2.辨別題型 Scanning the questions to decide which ones to answer first
step3.由簡而難答題 Answer easier questions first


1.具體問題 (5w1h) Specific information (positive)
2.單字題 Vocabulary questions
3.主旨題 Main idea
4.推論題 Inference questions
5.含NOT題 Specific information (negative)

Question types:
1.What is this notice mainly about? >>3 (mainly)
2.Where might you see this notice? >>4 (might)
3.By when must you give notice in order to get the maximum refund? >>1 (by when)
4.What will happen if you withdraw prior to the second lesson? >> 1 (what)
5.Which of the following is NOT true? >>5
6.The word "xxxx" in paragraph x, line x, is closest in meaning to... >>2
7.At what time does the club open? >>1
8.What is the price of the guitar? >>1
9.Who might reply to this advertisement? >>4 (might)
10.Where did the man buy his bicycle? >>1
11.How long should the man wait for a reply? >>1
12 What can be inferred about the woman's job? >>4 (be inferred)

1."單篇題"先看題目. "雙篇題"若有表格,先看表格再看題目.
2.選項若為解題線索的另一種說法,往往就是正確答案(替代說法). 若研判解題線索的單字或表達方式太難,就用(消去法)來刪除選項.
3.答題順序:易>>難 (1具體問題>2單字題>3主旨題>4推論題>5含NOT題)
4.具體問題: 題目中圈選2~3個關鍵字,回文內快速搜尋,找到其完整段落細讀解題.
5.單字題: 閱讀該單字所在句子,利用前後段解題.接著帶入選項中知道的意思,一一刪去不合理之選項.
6.主旨題: 讀大/小/副標題和第一段問題.若仍不明確,則繼續讀下去.一般會在章之前半段.
7.推論題: 挑選2~3個關鍵字(若題目中有,可先從題目著手),回文內快速尋,其答案並不會直接在文內清楚描述,必須透過推論出其關聯性,其答案不可和文章用字一模一樣,而是會用不同單字或句型改述.
8.含NOT題:意思雷同的選項先忽略,利用先前作答過程所得之資訊猜測正確解答(符合者先刪除).善用消去作答.若仍無法確定答案,再圈選2~3個關鍵字,回內文驗證. 符合的刪除,不符合或完全沒提到者才是含NOT題的答案.


Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang

TOEIC Memorandum Part5/6

Part 5~6 (需在15~20分鐘內完成答題)
以答案選項判別題型: "單字題"或"文法題",每題30秒內答完,超過者,不要掙扎了,猜題!
單字題: 需整句讀完,以前後文意判辨答案.
文法題: 從空格前後單字判辨,無法判別時,再前後延伸或整句讀完.
Part 5可採用兩次答題法,每題停留10秒,快速作答一遍,將簡單的題目先答完.難的題目先跳過,回頭再答,此時每題應在20秒內作答,大原則平均每題花費時間不應超過30秒.
Part 6不需要全部讀完,視做Part 5解題方式,只需瀏覽空格所在句子,若無法判別時,再前後延伸.

必要之詞性: 名詞N及動詞V (N,V); 主詞S及受詞O,均可視為名詞N(N=>S,O)

非必要之詞性: 形容詞adj及副詞adv; 形容詞修飾名詞(adj->N), 副詞可修飾動詞,形容詞及副詞本身(adv->V,adj,adv)

連接詞: 對等之概念(平衡觀念),字<>字/片語<>片語/句子<>句子

Test tip
First decide what part of speech is needed.
Recognizing the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) that is needed to fill the blank can help you to choose the correct answer.

Test tip
Find the answer choices of the correct type.
Once you know what you are looking for, skim the answer choices to find it.
This can help you to eliminate wrong answers.

Grammar note
Use suffixes (word endings) to help identify the part of speech, e.g. -ed/ -ing/ -ful/ -le (adjective) ; -ly (adverb) ; -ment (noun).

The guests were amazed by the ----(colorful,adj) statues in the garden. (color/colorful/colors/colorfully)
The rise in steel prices has resulted in a ----(considerable,adj) increase in our production costs. (considerably/consideration/considerable/considers)
While Jane was at collage, she ----(wrote,V) to her sister every week. (writing/written/write/wrote)
The project team found it very difficult to hide their ----(disappointment,N) over the rejection.(disappoint/disappointing/disappointedly/disappointment)
The board gave our project proposal a very ----(favorable,adj) review. (favor/favorable/favoring/favorably)
The delegates seemed to find the presentation very ----(interesting,adj). (interests/interest/interesting/interestingly)

statues 雕像
result in 導致
considerable 相當大;很明顯的 (=substantial, =significant)
find 發覺,覺得
favorable 好評

Ref: NCYULgCMemoFromSylviaYang

2014年7月2日 星期三


first step:
to leader