2014年7月16日 星期三

TOEIC Memorandum Part7-5 Specific information (negative)

5.Specific information (negative)
Focus: Learning how to answer "NOT" questions, and questions with names, numbers, dates or times.

These can be the most time-consuming.
Leave them till last, when you may have already got information to help you with the answers.
(1)Which of the following is NOT true?
(2)Which of the following positions is NOT available?

tip1.Leave "NOT" questions to last
Answering the other questions may help you to answer "NOT: questions or to know where in the passage to find the answer.
tip2.For "NOT" questions,use what you've learnt doing the easier questions.
Doing the other questions should hlep you to answer these questions. If not, skim the passage to confirm the most likely answer choice. To simulate this, task C uses a text that was also used in 1~4 item.
tip3.Eliminate incorrect answer choices and choose what's left.
Ignore options with similar meanings in the passage (you need to find the one that is NOT true).
The option you can't find is the correct answer.

(1) Not true 錯的敘述
(2) Not mention 沒有提到的

2.剩下的選項中挑選"關鍵字"(KEY WORDS)(名詞/動詞/形容詞/副詞)

