2015年7月4日 星期六

rkflashkit for debian

最近在玩TV BOX,淘寶買台C/P值可接受的玩具,說是玩具倒是看低它的能力,
RK3188,2G/8G,RMB230,當成是一台千元的主機,試著LINUX OS可不可以順利裝上
Rockchip provides 2 tools to update the flash:
    RkBatchTool – Used to upgrade firmware with a single file
    RkAndroidTool – Used to flash the NAND flash with image corresponding to particular partition, e.g. system.img. kernel.img, boot.img. recovery.img. etc…

In order to install RkFlashKit in Debian or Ubuntu, you need to get the source code, build it, and install the package:

安裝 RkFlashKit

git clone https://github.com/linuxerwang/rkflashkit
cd rkflashkit
./waf debian
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2
sudo dpkg -i rkflashkit_0.1.(x)_all.deb (記得先ls看目前更新的檔名)

操作方式跟FOR WIN一樣,必須進入還原模式(RECOVERY MODE)就會抓到機器
PS. flash nand會有變磚的可能,而且是一定會發生地,要留意這台RK3188如何解磚,待續...

Ref.  http://www.cnx-software.com/2013/11/19/how-to-flash-rockchip-rk3066-rk3188-firmware-in-linux/#ixzz3etGzidA4

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