"生酮飲食"這個名詞,讓我想到的是酮體ketone body也就是酮症,這在畜牧獸醫學上泛指乳牛泌乳期中,乾物質不足導至低血糖所引起的消化及神經性障礙是種代謝症狀.
六大營養素: 醣,蛋白質,脂肪,礦物質,維生素及水,其中能量營養素為醣,蛋白質及脂肪為三大營養素, 醣與蛋白質的生成熱量約是4大卡/每克,而脂肪為九大卡/每克,簡單來說,以磄類的利用效率最高也最快.
2016年8月15日 星期一
2016年7月30日 星期六
Vido N80RK OMNI 4.4 V1.41
It's working.
Ref: http://www.arctablet.com/blog/forum/crewrktablets-rk3188-entwicklung-customroms-development-croms/rom-odys-iron-omnirom-4-4-2-custom-root-firmware-20140530/page-5/
Ref: http://www.arctablet.com/blog/forum/crewrktablets-rk3188-entwicklung-customroms-development-croms/rom-odys-iron-omnirom-4-4-2-custom-root-firmware-20140530/page-5/
- Download CrewRKTablets Odys Iron Omni 4.4 V1.3
- Download CrewRKTablets KK Omni V1.3 model fix AOC Q70S15
- Replace the kernel.img in rockdev/Image directory with the kernel.img from a stock n80rk tablet. In order to get this stock image you can start with a stock n80rk, root with TPSparkyRoot, install CWM and backup the kernel.img file using CWM. In case you want to skip this step, Oma has posted the kernel here and the model fix here.
- Copy the model fix from your PC to an sdcard that you can insert into the n80rk.
- Boot the n80rk and turn on USB debugging and make sure the model fix file, and any other for that matter, are on the sdcard and you can see them.
- Power off the n80rk.
- Go to the directory on your PC where you downloaded the Odys Iron Omni 4.4 rom with the replaced kernel and cd to RKDevelopTool_v1.37. This assumes you have the Rockchip Drivers installed, which can be tricky. I am running Windows 7 64 bit and did not have much problem. It is best to look through the ARCTablet forum to see how to install the drivers.
- Start RKAndroidTool.exe, it should start and indicate 7 files to be flashed to the tablet, which are loader, parameter, misc, kernel, boot, recovery and system. backup is not checked. At this point is should show No Found RKAndroid rock usb at the bottom.
- While holding down the Vol+ key on the n80rk, plug a usb cable into the tablet. You should hear the usb bing/bong sound (if you have speakers on your PC of course) and the message on the RKAndroidTool should change to Found.
- Press EraseIDB and the RkAndroidTool should indicate 4096 blocks cleared and there will appear a Done message to the window at the right of the table. It takes about 10 secs.
- Press Run and the flashing will commence. It will take about one minute and again you will see a Done message.
- At this point, the n80rk should reboot by itself and will boot into ClockWork Recovery.
- Move the highlighted bar to wipe cache partition using the Vol+/Vol- keys on the n80rk and press the power key as Enter. From memory, when you hit enter you will need to use Vol+/Vol- to select Yes to cofirm.
- Move the highlighted bar to wipe data/factory reset using the Vol+/Vol- keys on the n80rk and press the power key as Enter. From memory, when you hit enter you will need to use Vol+/Vol- to select Yes to confirm.
- Next you want to apply the patch (model fix AOC Q70S15). This can be done by selecting install zip from sdcard and then on the next menu choose zip from external sdcard and then you will see the file you loaded on your sdcard (model fix AOC Q70S15). You need to select that and then select Yes on the net screen to confirm.
- Once that is complete, you return to the home menu of CWM by selecting +++++ Go Back +++++ and finally selecting reboot system now. CWM popup up two screens when you select reboot system now and I just answered No to both of them, though perhaps Yes is a better answer? Maybe someone can provide guidance??
- I then had to change the rotation by using build.prop (get from AppStore) to modify ro.sf.hwrotation to equal 270 as the screen rotation was incorrect.
- That's it, now you have Android 4.4 running on an Vido n80rk.
2016年4月21日 星期四
萬能學習型遙控器57# IC:SJ-018+24C16
純備份用-"這只不錯用 !"
2016年1月18日 星期一
ubuntu太胖,acer aspire T-300跑太動,索性利用假日重裝debian8 lxde
記錄一下text mode的連線過程
dmesg | grep Network
lspci --nn
apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
apt-get remove wicd
apt-get install network-manager-gnmoe
iwlist wlan0 scan
vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "APNAME"
wpa-psk "PW"
/etc/init.d/networking restart
這樣才搞定! 累~~~
另外jessie中文字型的安裝也不同 ttf改成fonts
ex. ttf-arphic-uming --> fonts-arphic-uming
記錄一下text mode的連線過程
dmesg | grep Network
lspci --nn
apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
apt-get remove wicd
apt-get install network-manager-gnmoe
iwlist wlan0 scan
vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "APNAME"
wpa-psk "PW"
/etc/init.d/networking restart
這樣才搞定! 累~~~
另外jessie中文字型的安裝也不同 ttf改成fonts
ex. ttf-arphic-uming --> fonts-arphic-uming
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